Thursday, November 02, 2006

Writers Block

Why can't I write my zine like my blog. I even lost the notepad in which I laid out how to write it. So as a procrastination within my procrastination I just spent 10 minutes searching my room for my notebook rather than reading my blog.
So at RYLA I did some thing where the guy tried to push down my arm while I focused on negative or positive thoughts. Which you can't really demonstrate to a class it's a real one on one thing. Anyway my experience warrented me getting the Dalai Lama's little book of wisdom and I can't help but think how many hot(ish) chicks the Big D can get.
Anyway he had some advice that having read you know it agrees with a lot of what I think and what I've discovered. Don't get me wrong, he's quite eloquent (or the translator is) and he can talk about genuine compassion more than I can as his countries been invaded and had his friends gunned down and tortured.
Is it worth reading? yes, I mean if you're one of MY friends you're probably an arsehole let's face it. Or is that even true anymore? I think most of my arsehole friends called me a fag when I started writing this and have never read it again.
So maybe you don't need to.
Anyway some thoughts:

The thing to be most afraid of is being ashamed of who you are.

I mean seriously could there be anything worse. I almost felt like this when I used fruity tactics at bball the other week wearing fish net stockings and the homophobic asians I play with got scared of me. (oh and I was sticking my people up peoples asses too).

long term in a relationship I just seek happiness.

I think that's the key really. I aint never walked into a relationship with a plan or anything but the things I always miss and enjoy are the real friendship elements for me. I've sat down with a lot of girls in various capacities over the past year and talked about all this true love stuff. Charlie sent me some chainmail I had to send to 52,348 people or some shit so my true love would contact me in the next 24. I binned it. I'd hate to meet a true love. Someone where it's boring everything works out and you can't fuck it up because of magical feelings. I'd rather have to work on being happy work our dreams around eachothers and get laid once in a while.

tell people they are looking good.

Everyone's too insecure, you gotta reinforce peoples self image. Do em a favor I say, besides their putting so much effort in. I really gotta stop calling Miho fat.

fall in love often but know when to concentrate.

I've spent too long in love with 5 or 6 people at a time. Like being pulled on in everydirection you just can't move.

Look down on everyone like pittiful children

This is why I never lose it. I'm just too condescending.

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