Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Steal this thought

One thing I still struggle about with Henry George is the treatment of intellectual property. In fact I'm not a hundred percent sure of where he/it actually stands. Ben Franklin was a dude though refuing to patent things he had invented to improve society, he also didn't have slaves unlike George Washington founder of the Land of the Free.
Anyway I've been going out with Mickey about a month and already it's her birthday. Normally when I start dating a girl so close to her birthday I get them nothing in protest over the relatively short time we've been dating and me not wanting to spin the relationship into realm of financial burden so soon.
But this time it's different, I'm rich. I have money to burn, I can't possibly convince anyone of financial burden status. So this time I was fucked from another direction. I simply didn't know Miki well enough to know what to get her. Miho seemed to think it was simple. You just bought some easily recognisable really expensive brand like prada, Louis Vuitton or Dolce & Cabana or some shit.

I refuse to pay that much for sex.

A gift needs to be a comunication of just the qualities that resonate with you that makes you attracted and appreciative of the other person. Admittedly people struggle to buy me gifts, except uncannily my brother who has fucking Aspergers, go figure.
So I had nothing but vague impressionistic shades that merge between cute, funny, precious, hot, cheeky, shy, creative blah blah. So I end up having to buy a collage of presents.
If I have an achilles heal it's gift wrapping though. So here's an idea I came up with by stealing the idea of my Grade 1 teacher.

On the morning of miki's birthday I got up to go to the toilet. I walked back into the room and tied a ribbon to Miki's wrist that said ' follow me.' she then followed a trail around my living room making her crawl under ironing boards and over chess tables until unwrapping her various crappy gifts and reading messages along the way. at the other end of the trail was me, frankly at a loss as to what to do.
But the crappy ribbon adventure transformed otherwise meaningless gift giving into a memorable adventure.

I'm sooooooo great. feel free to steal the concept especially those of you who struggle to get things wrapped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll definetly use that idea! Although I feel that Omar and Harvard might have some questions as to why I am tying ribbons to their wrists. Sigh.
