Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Episode 6 down

Finally its fucking over, that motherfucking script is finished, posted and fucking done and got a whole day of being 22 to enjoy my freedom. The whole series can visit happyland* for all I fucken care. If it was a person I would dig out it's eyeballs with a spoon and piss in its eyesockets. In fact tha being said I was surprised when I finished it. I just felt nothing at all. It's been such a mammoth project that wouldn't need to be if somebody payed me to write. I could have produced something as long and as "good" as friends if someone paid me. Of course there aren't any Australian sitcoms so lets stop pretending its going to happen.
But its done, my second full series of tv I should live in LA and work in a coffee shop and audition for roles as extras all day.
Seriously episode 6 fuck you. Your done and I didn't feel anything.

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