Friday, August 29, 2008

FOWP Up:Date - True work in progress

By the time I finish this post, I hope to have the written part of FOWP done. As I start writing this post, It isn't done. I'm trying to work out the sequencing of the closing section of the book. Tying the complexity back into simplicity.
But in the torrent of supposedly exciting and stimulating conclusions, the order is no longer apparant to me, so for the first time since I started writing the page layouts, I actually have to step backwards and rewrite them, when I realise that stuff would actually fit better, earlier, or later as it may be. This is annoying because you have to then respace the pages in the minds eye, move page numbers about and reset the visual rythym of the writing process.
Really its amazing I got to page 82 of the drafting process before coming on this problem. In my minds eye I was pretty smoothly filling in panel by panel.


I almost did it, just the 'Epilogue' section to go, which is more of a speech rather than anything creatively demanding.
I don't know though, I am not sure if in its current form the script succeeds emotionally. But hopefully I can finish it later tonight.

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