Monday, September 22, 2008

Useless stuff.

I must confess, watching Wall St. implode, the sheer panic as our elders watch their superannuation portfolio's shrink, the financiers being turfed out onto the street no longer gainfully employed.
It all strikes me as particularly funny, and am quite enjoying it. Because to me, it reeks of justice.
To me it brings a brief glimmer of hope. That maybe, once people have lost their jobs, their houses, their credit cards they may...

Just maybe, reflect on all that bullshit they pursued relentlessly for almost two decades.

They may reflect on why they worked longer hours.

Why they put their kids in daycare.

Why they got sensible haircuts, and wore semi-casual attire.

Why they sat up at night, or on weekends in front of a laptop.

Why they made that extra cold call.

Why they drove so far.

Why they took on so much debt.

Why they paid other people to walk their dog.

All of it, to buy stuff they had no use for at all.

Please forgive me for feeling so wonderfully validated as a human being, as all our imaginary wealth suddenly evaporates into thin air.

Come on, you actually thought you would get paid $100,000 a year to own an empty house?

Come on, you actually thought this would go on forever?

Come on, you still believe you can earn money without having to work for it? What else do you still believe in? Santa Claus? Wrestling?

Come on, you thought you could lose weight without diet and exercise?

Come on, you thought you could reverse the anti-aging process? Why would people even want to keep you around longer?

Okay, maybe I said too much.

I went a little too far.

Forgive me.

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