Monday, March 10, 2008

Italians Nature's Clowns

Some impressions, I think being in Italy I do appreciate more its role in my mothers make-up that not being genetic but Italy to her is like Japan to me.
But I do definitely think that the Italy my mum sees and the Italy I am seeing are very different things.
Not least because I find Italian fashion almost more heterogenous than Japan. But where Japan is creepy in the group dynamics, Italy is something else...
Anyway for me there are two things you just don't do, and one is wear white shoes with Jeans, just doesn't work, but the Italians they love it, they just can't get enough of it. That and everyone wearing those big designer glasses and the second thing you just don't do and that is tuck a shirt into jeans.
It may just again be the lingering seattle grunge scene haunting me, but man, I gotta say, Italy's fashion scene isn't the crazy convergence of the nexus of universal fashion Chevy Chase had me believing from European Vacation.
If I had to describe my overall impression of Italy, its a third generation of a great family. Following the whole the first generation builds it (Rome) the second makes it famous (Vatican and Renaissance) and the third squanders it (Now) I mean I just kind of see a bunch of ingrates on the one hand growing up amongst this magnificent ancient infrastructure, and on the other hand I feel for the youth of Italy stifled by the achievements of so much history, with so few surfaces inner city that they can graffiti in good conscious.
Yes, Italy is crazy, but I'm not sure if as my mother says it is a 'love of life' and so fourth, I am surprised by Italy, because I don't see so much a 'love of life' as a contempt for competition, a desire to just be locked away in time.
And that said Europes efforts in fighting globalisation are famous. Italy will fine you for buying conterfeit goods here, enough to make it more economical to buy the real deal.
But that said, if you don't want imports coming to compete with you, stop exporting too motherfuckers. That's true antiglobalisation, and one I begrudgingly have to disagree with. I guess the trap for everyone is 'everyone wants economic growth, nobody wants change' and I don't know who said that anymore but it wasn't me.

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