Wednesday, July 04, 2007


For once when I say Mixtape it won't be refering to basketball. I'm making a mix tape at the moment to send to misaki, featuring my vocal stylings courtesy of Rod's handy ipod voice memo accessory.
It's going to be awesome as I've replayed the scene in my head a hundred times. No 'I love you for your stupidness' from Misaki this time, it'll all be from the heart.
The last two weeks have been the busiest of my fucking life, or work life. Carole and I have become a two person show carrying the entire load of our normally double department whilst having the demands of our two new staff to train up.
And its great, it is the greatest. Why oh why did we stop recruiting new blood into the company for 2 years, why oh why did we ever stop the PSP program? these questions are rhetorical of course, or are they?
Anyway, that's what be up hence no blog postings no returning emails and no child maintenance payments. sorry!
It's been a long time since I tried to convince myself I could work productively between 6am and 8am in the morning. Ah VCE what a joke you were.
300th post coming up, I'll try and do a decent job, I think I'm doing a decent job of writing decent posts unlike the Simpsons, just end already give us something to celebrate.

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