Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Climate Change highlights what a shite system Democracy is

I recently attended the True Cost Economics Forum, an event arranged by prosper to further the cause of resource rentals and geotaxes. The topic of main discussion was Climate Change, largely Carbon Trading vs Carbon Taxes.
Now in the panel I sat on we just neglected to quantify the cost of Climate Change and really discuss caps or targets. The academic panel though discussed that any policy put fourth by both major parties is a joke as the Labor party (the only one to suggest a target or cap) is far below what's necessary to prevent a 3 degree change in climate which would have catastrophic impacts on the world.
Whilst they discussed many positive things and other solutions it seems most people remain blissfully unaware of the true impact of climate change and what is necessary to be done. Most people who aren't in the UK or EU it seems. That although have had both a failed Kyoto protocol and failed Carbon Trading scheme are in fact going back to the drawing board right now instead of what is happening in Australia and the US which is starting to talk about whether we will act or not.
Now the first disheartening thing to happen was that the political panel in which political candidates from Labor, Greens and Democrats which is why nobody from the outset in their right mind should vote for the Liberal party.
But all three walked out of the forum straight after their contributions where over. Now politicians as fundamentally representatives in nature should sit down and listen to actually learn something at these events.
Now in a decision making process, generally in order for it ever to succeed, the stakeholders need to be consulted if you want their support and you want to come up with the best solution.
Now every Australian has a vote in the upcoming election. But we represent a very vry small percentage of stakeholders in the decision we are making on climate change policy.
And this seems to be the pint in which people are ludicrously in denial over. We collectively seem to think we can decide for ourselves. Like over the long run they will respect our sovereignty to unbalance the worlds entire ecosystems from our national boundaries.
At some point some countries will get pissed off with our lifestyle choices and decision to deprive other nations of a future and, it will get ugly.
That's the truth. People in Europe once they fix up their own shit wont look to kindly on China & Australia trading in coal to their detriment.
It has to happen because like it or not this is a decision that effects the broader community.
Fucking democracy is so childish. I miss the mongols.

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