Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Life is Pain

My brother is a world of warcraft fan. Even though he points out all its shortfalls whenever I'm around I know he isn't cool. But he also showed me Pure Pwnage the adventures of the pwnerer (pronounced ownerer) documented on film. Jeremy sure gives the gamers stick and what a rich field of comic material gaming is. The problem is to laugh at gamer culture you have to admit some affinity with it.
Well yeah I've played RPG's, once I got up and someone was in the shower already so I sat down to play Prince of Persia the Sands of Time and my housemate gabby came in and opened the blinds revealing the dusk outside and also revealing the sad act to me that I'd gotten up at 8 and sat till 6.30 at night without eating and without moving from the couch. Just played Xbox all day.
RPG's are dangerous as when you level u your character you can gain just as much satisfaction from at as you can from real achievements. When people talk about 'online communities' where people supposedly meet, earn, get married and have virtual children, saltwater wells in my eye.
Because your not achieving shit, jack all. You just sit there and consume electricity in vast quantities that we produce by burning brown coal.
And your friends aren't real, just real losers.
I took pleasure in signing up my brother to the Fatal1ty newsletter. Fatility is meant to be the Babe Ruth sporting hero of Lan gaming even though he's world champion in 5 games nobody's ever heard of.
How did society get so disjointed? whats wrong with society? Well society understands perfectly well aware of these trends. Thats why theres money to be made, money to be made by people like me and you, nerds willing to turn on each other and cannibalise your own young.
Pure Ownage dealt with the MySpace phenomenon in its latest episode. The very issue of most concern to me in having a blog: Becoming some whining, whinging little dick who talks about why life is so hard etc.
Life isn't hard, its easy to forget being a caucasian male descended from the British Isles that I am a member of the most brutal, merciless, selfish race ever to populate the earth. And as such really have to learn to enjoy the fact that relative to other places and 'races' you can be born into I really want for very little.
Just by having access to the internet I have to be in the wealthiest minority of people alive.
Considering half the people that have ever lived are still alive today that's a pretty good headstart.
Life is pain and suffering for people who aren't me. I certainly know pain and suffering but in a whole different ball game that is much easier to deal with due to the resources I have at my disposal.
Life is sweet. The world is funny, and fun to be a part of. So I apologise if I've been to rightiously indignant on my blog. There's a lot of things that tick me off and get me angry, but it comes from a very condescending place in my heart.
Eat Popcorn, Drink Coke.

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