Friday, March 17, 2006

Ghenghis Shmengis

Ghenghis Kahn makes me laugh. Documentaries like the one on SBS I saw last night make me angry and want to cry. More to the point they make me want to go to Texas, Ghengis style and conquer them and revel in giving lectures in Churches about how I am god's punishment sent to them for being so sinful.
Which is what Ghenghis used to do. He and his Golden Horde swept across Europe and south through China and India and the nomadic Khanate ended up becoming the worlds largest empire conquering most of the known world.
The pope in rome had always assumed Christianity ruled everywhere so he sent emissaries to Asia to have a chat with Prestor John, the Catholic Prestor they assumed ruled Asia.
People take so much for granted that I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where in one generation your culture can be brought to the knees of an entirely foreign culture.
A world where biggoted homophobic views might be crushed painfully under a bigger bully like Ghenghis Kahn, and the thing about Ghenghis was that he wasn't a bigger bully, mongolia didn't have and never has had the population to occupy and sustain an occupation of even China.
Most nations were simply subdued because the creativity and tactics of the Mongols where just far far superior.
Ghenghis set up an empire with true multiculturalism and his stance on religious practices wasn't tolerant it didn't have any qualms with any religion thus there were none it really had to tolerate.
The mongolian stance was 'There is but one god and many ways to worship Him' I don't think they were particularly PC.
Last night on this infuriating and disheartening documentary set in Luddon, Texas or some such backwater, a girl and a youth committee of some kind were trying to get proper sexual education brought in instead of the scaremongering pastor that ran a course called: 'Sexual Purity' about how abstinance was the only safe method of practicing sex and as such kids shouldn't even be taught about condoms, birthcontrol etc.
This pastor that ran the program and got all the kids to pledge they would maintain their sexual purity to their parents, god & their future wife or husband that they hadn't even met yet.
The arguements were weak and the program wasn't working given the statistical occurances of STD/STI and teen pregnancies and all that. Which doesn't surprise me at all.
The stats they were mouthing on 'the dangers of homosexual lifestyle...all cons no pros to homosexuality...most homosexuals die by the age of 40.' they probably do in Texas because they get murdered by members of God hates Faggots.
But this fucktard was talking about how Christianity and Liberal go together like oil and water, how christianity was the least tolerant religion in the world. Where do they get off mouthing pig ignorant shit like this.
The biblical references to homosexuality are flimsy at best, homophobia is a new phenomena that came in at some point past the prestige of homosexuality in some of the more successful empires and civilizations than current day, the greeks, the romans, the mongolians etc. homophobia has been introduced into Japan since the Meiji restoration. Samurai warrior code, Shintoism and Buddhism had nothing to do with it.
Furthermore Jesus' message was love and tolerance. The most awesome thing ever said by a priest was 'I can't believe that God would make a love that wasn't beautiful.' I don't believe in God at all, but tolerance (and it shouldn't even be tolerance, but out and out love) is a central Christian virtue isn't it.
All these priests and influential conservatives were argueing that condoms were only 87% effective (which is bullshit) and thus shouldn't be taught. But driving is dangerous and they weren't arguing to abstain from driving. They weren't arguing that fossil fuel usage could drastically shorten the life span of the entire human race.
I'm just sick of these offensive people existing. To discourage seiges Ghenghis Kahn used to cut off the ear of every vanquished citizen that put them under siege, whereas towns that submitted without resistence were alowed to continue on as ever so long as they now paid their taxes to the mongolian empire.
Christianity needs to show some appreciation to all the people in history who have allowed them to exist when they could have been crushed because they tolerated diverse opinions on religion, It is easy to forget that Christianity was a small struggling community on the verge of collapse until Emperor Constantine required every member of the Roman empire to be Christian by law.
Organisations like 'God hates faggots' should not be allowed to exist Jesus fucking Christ if that isn't using the lords name in vane.
Ghenghis Kahn was brutal, ruthless and the creator of biological warfare by catapulting plague infested corpses into cty walls (the black plague killed 1 in 3 Europeans). But he was funny too, in the smart arse sense, he imposed his rule on more people than ever has been but not his views and lifestyle choices. He is apparantly our most common ancestor, the definitive alpha male and sustained a unified empire (one that could have easily been overthrown in mass revolt) by allowing autonomy over religious beliefs, production and culture. All he asked was to eat off of plates made of pure gold and to have more wealth than was ever necessary.
Before he died Ghengis consulted a Shaman to see if there was any known means by which he could live forever, when the Shaman said it was a no go he resolved himself to drinking and being merry and let his faithful Batu go on conquering Europe.
The catholic church was on it's knees and france, germany, spainand britain were sure to fall, But Batu and forces had to withdraw due to the untimely death of Ghenghis. Could we possibly have missed out?
(I mean we obviously missed out on Communism thank god).

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