I have a biological sister who is very dear to me. But by far the most precious person to enter my life from afar was my adoptive sister Madoka. In year 12 I was single, horny and studying Japanese VCE 3/4 I'd been to Japan and liked what I saw and was looking forward to hosting a Japanese girl for two months. Our entire class eagerly awaited the day when we got our student profiles with pictures.
I walked into school said morning to find my good mate Brenton standing there with a grin on his face and papers in his hand. He handed me over my student profile and I stared dumbly at the coke bottle glasses and overbite on this person called madoka. The photo was extra unflattering because it had been photo copied and then faxed over making the complexion look pock marked with black welts.
I thought some trickery was afoot, maybe Brenton had given me his student and was trying to pull a fasty on me. He showed me his which he described as 'not much better' and he was right. It seemed the savy Liz had decided to give Brenton and I the two girls that we were least likely to deflour in the hay being Balifornian self serving arseholes.
For the record I'd like to complain once again that I'm tired of the black sheep reputation I aquired because I talk the talk of being a prize arsehole. Maybe I am to blame for talking the talk but at the time I didn't drink at all, I still haven't touched a cigarette, I never pushed myself on any girls, I didn't vandalise, shoplift or hang out with kids from Damascus, I ran five times a week was captain of a house and to all external appereances concentraiting on my studies. So why had Liz felt this extra measure of chastity was necessary? Why liz why? Brenton and I were actually amongst the most chivalrous pussies in our year level. Did it have something to do with the fact we drew penises on every unattended piece of property in the common room, library or staff room? I guess I'll never know.
Liz crashed and burned on Brentons because Shizuka turned out to be the most stunning in the flesh, but Madoka still had glasses and buck teeth. Being over competitive the angle I'd decided to take was 'fuck them, fuck those fuckers, Im the coolest person in the Japanese class, one of the coolest persons in the school, everyone else is going to be jealous of Madoka and I nip or whitey it won't matter, we're going to have the best time and prove we are the coolest.' it was kind of like she's all that except no makeover.
I went in hard and introduced myself and stuck out my hand which she shrank back from and yelled out 'Kowai, kowai!' which means 'ahhg scary.' she had forgotten we white people also spoke Japanese. We had a relatively silent ride home. Then I took her round my house introduced her to bess my dog, showed her my studio art paintings, played some bass guitar for her and let her settle into her room. The whole GT she just clapped her hands and said 'kakoii kakoii!' which means 'cool, cool' which was a positive sign. We walked to school together every day. I made her lunch occais\ionally and drew her pictures all the time. I taught her Aussie slang that was pure bullshit, including the ultra cool greeting 'flip flop yo!' (see diagram below) that transformed us from regular shitty host brother/sister relationship into ultra cool club. I also told her the cool way to say goodbye was 'catch.' just catch no 'catch you' just catch.
My friends remarked at how much I was abusing her cultural ignorance. But that wasn't the case. Plain simple fact was, Madoka was the coolest. The easiest to get along with, she was outgoing once she warmed up, smoked cigarrettes was into punk rock, would sleep through classes, skip classes to go to 7-eleven. Liked to gossip, was intelligent and observant. She was sensitive. And by ganging up on Shizuka and Keiko we both grew in self esteem. I remember when Shizuka and Keiko (who were incredibly hot) asked me who I liked better out of the two of them and I refused to back down on saying Madoka was by far my favorite they were so pissed off it was sweet.
She also had those adorable triggers I love so much to exploit, like I could get her angry and she'd stomp her foot and shake her fists it was so sweet. I tried to get her angry every day using my old circular talk techniques. And of course I have a gift, my gift is guess who, I win 9 times out of ten even though its meant to be one of those games that everyone can enjoy. I dominate, I crushinate. I can stare directly into someones soul and know exactly who they have. I have never found a way to transfer these amazing abilities of mine into a useful context but Madoka was as competitive as I was and got so angry when ever she had figured out who I had and even if I still had ten or twelve options left would come from behind and guess hers straight out. She even sniggered once before I'd asked my first question so I knew she had picked Tom who is balled with glasses and I won the game before she even got to ask one question.
I went to stay with Madoka at her house and met her family. Ironically a year after the graduated Madoka ended up the hottest out of the exchange group by virtue of not being a bitch, not dying her hair an unwholesome orange colour, not smoking twenty cigarettes in 20 minutes, having huge acryllic nails and being rake thin.
She actually hadn't changed much at all. She had on display the $2 target thongs I wrote my farewell messages on and the pictures I drew her. She still knew all the slang I taught her and would rattle it off to me. Her family was awesome too. She was just as bad a morning person as she'd ever been my cheery greatings were still met with a dark glare from behind dishevelled glasses. But I got to see just how awesome Madoka was, I got to go to school with her.
She had had a falling out with her best friend because she'd cut her lunch. When I explained the morality and rules of lunch cutting to her she almost wept and threatened to commit ritual suicide. When I saw her best friend though I realised this girl had laid a territorial claim so unrealistic it would have been to the poor guys detriment if madoka hadn't cut her lunch.
She also took me to her volunteer work at an old peoples home for war veterans and the like and it remains my best Japanese experience because they kept calling me 'white shit' or something which Madoka kept apologising for but I just found highly amusing. It was the first time I'd met anybody who wasn't religious (like me) that actually helped out in the community.
Her dad was awesome too, he would keep taking days off work to drive me to all these places around the country and we'd rock out in the car to Cream, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix. He was such a cool guy and I may have triggered a midlife crisis in him. I fucken hate j-pop and this guy had the same music taste as my dad.
It was truly a home away from home.
The first time Madoka left I called brenton because I was so phenomonally depressed. I think it was the first time I had set my judgemental nature aside and actively tried to build someones self esteem. And it worked on me too. I think Madoka is still probably the single best thing I've done in my life. I am so proud of everything she's achieved to date. coolness.