Friday, September 14, 2007

Pirates vs. Ninjas

Recentlyish, Jane invited me via facebook to be a pirate in the Pirate vs Ninjas debate. I joined, fearing retribution but was dissapointed to see that the function did not allow me to backstab Jane and switch sides to Ninja.
This prompted me to think it is about time for me to weigh in to the debate via my highly influential blog.
I have to say, who is anyone kidding? what fucking chance in the world do Pirates have. I'll tell you, just one: sail out to the middle of the pacific ocean. In any real confrontation Pirates wouldn't stand a chance against one ninja.
I mean Japan was never known for having a particularly formidable navy, but ninja's were employed to sneak aboard and set fire to the powder house all the time.
You are talking about covert sabatours trained in the martial arts, stealth, firearms and social engineering from birth for mercenary employment vs. sailors (no formal qualification required) often pressganged deciding to mutiny and then sailing around raiding things or capturing trading ships until they were busted up by the navy or died of malnutrition.
Even the most successful buckaneers like Henry Morgan that were more admirals in a navy than pirate in the spirit of the word wouldn't have stood a chance against the formidability of ninjas.
The upbringing is such that I just can't see pirates ever having a definable set of skills that could overcome a Ninjas in any meaningful way.
I cant gauruntee pirates would be on the whole better swimmers, nor even better knot tiers. Infact when it comes to skills that nobody would usually deem worthy of attempting to perfect, the japanese have it down. Not ninja's but the japanese in general to this day eg. folding, making tea, getting dressed, cleaning windows... everydamn thing, I'd honestly be surprised if Japanese kids weren't also very good at tying knots.
The ratio is as near as I can guestimate, 1 ninja = 80 pirates.
I guess you could argue that Pirates are still around today, still using the same flagrant unskilled approach to their profession as always, yet where are ninja's now. Well, precisely, where are ninja's now. They could be all aound us, there could be one watching you right now, so just think carefully about which way you vote.

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