Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Economics of Attention

I'll shortly be performing my very first training day. Who would have thought after all this time and blogging people would actually want to listen to me, moreover learn to be a little more like tohm. I'm hoping to build up some consulting work so this will be a good test run. Anyway one of the respondents sent me this which I think encapsulates well the whole positioning line as well:

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_economy:

Herbert Simon was perhaps the first person to
articulate the concept of attention economics when he

"...in an information-rich world, the wealth of
information means a dearth of something else: a
scarcity of whatever it is that information
consumes. What information consumes is rather
obvious: it consumes the attention of its
recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a
poverty of attention and a need to allocate that
attention efficiently among the overabundance of
information sources that might consume it" (Simon
1971, p. 40-41).

He noted that many designers of information systems
incorrectly represented their design problem as
information scarcity rather than attention scarcity,
and as a result they built systems that excelled at
providing more and more information to people, when
what was really needed were systems that excelled at
filtering out unimportant or irrelevant information
(Simon 1996, p. 143-144).

--- Gav.

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