Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Real Job Pt.1: Win-win

I thought I'd dedicate some time sharing my thoughts on why it may be good to go work for a souless corporate entity.
I think many people work on behalf of mortgages, and work towards ambiguous and thoughtless financial goals, not because they are stupid or imoral but simply because determining a purpose in life is clearly quite difficult.

"Win-Win: One of four outcomes our company provides, the others being Win-Lose, Lose-Win and Lose-Lose."

You can only go into business if you be making someone's life easier. That is ethically, obviously there are people who go into business, that parasitically leach resources out of the community (Win-Lose) who sacrifice themselves unsustainably (Lose-Win) or run a company into the ground through sheer incompetence (Lose-Lose).
The last kind being normally reserved for politics.
But Win-win is the fundamental belief required, tat you can benifit other people and mutually benefit yourself - it really is this belief that makes profit and value possible.
Value occurs when you apply your expertise to a problem for someone else who pays for this solution which covers the cost of your efforts and then some.
A person will only pay that bit extra if the solution is of value to them.
And that's where win win occurs.
Of course a sentient person can also wring intensive value out of a joint venture that may have occured in error.
At any rate as Musashi would say meditate on this in depth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's going on with Sharehouse?