Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lately I feel like Kobe

I'm glad Kobe has surpassed Lebron, apart from the whole alleged forcing himself on hotel staff incident, I never really understood why Kobe get's backseat to Lebron. A guy who is potentially great seems to take precedence over someone who has maximum game.
So anyway to qualify the subject heading I don't feel like Kobe in that I don't feel an urge to have extra marital relations with people who don't necessarily want my loving. No I'm referring to Kobe's wonder week racking up 4 games in a row with plus 50 points breaking that run on the 5th game with 43 points. Now when an MVP can score average ppg of 25 (or in Steve "Nasty" Nash's case 19) that's a phenomanal run.
So when I say lately I feel like Kobe, I mean I don't know how Kobe feels, I mean it could be anything from the bored elite 'business as usual' to the pig ignorant lotto winner 'god is moving me from a dimension beyond my understanding'.
What I feel like is that I am racking up performance milestones, like I'm stronger than ever and resistance is just dropping away.
I don't know if anyone else has ever fallen into this good times zone but If I had to guestimate the coordinates of it's origins I would say self respect.
I think for me it always comes from treating myself as my numero uno competitor. Just as I try to bury the tohm of yesterday, i try to make it hard for tohmorrow to surpass me now.
If only I was good at something that pays as well as bball. (if you make it)

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