Monday, December 04, 2006

Oprah's Favorite Things

Is there any more consumerist episode of any show a year than the one where Oprah gives away shit like an $80 white t-shirt? fucking bullshit.
There are small tokens I've recieved in the past year that have turned my life round dramatically, now if only you could grab a bunch of yokels and stick them in a TV studio and give them things like this and have them turn into decent human beings.
Anyway here's the things:

#1. Bundy and Cola from Alumbra - I've had a few of these handed to me over the course of my life but none significantly changed my life like the last one from my former manager George, that I then gave away to Miki, the prop I needed to get an intro and lead me out of the desert I had been 'finding myself' in for the past year.

#2. Bob Dylan - Time out of Mind LP - burnt. One of those truly selfless gestures. Mum had some work colleague who had been abused as a child get excited when he heard how I'd been struggling with my breakup. He'd gone home and burnt me a disc of this album his favorite to cry to, and told Janice to give it to me and to tell me not to be a man and just cry. Morley's breakup advice was don't listen to music, but this was a turning point for me from being out of control to back in control. I was still grieving badly enough to actually need music to sleep. So I figured what the fuck and chucked this on. And I freely admit I cried, and cried. It was none of this Emo bullshit though about how life isn't fair. Just unapologetic plain old 'I feel sorry for myself' it allowed me so quickly to get so much out of the way. It also made me want to go chill in New Orleans. Then Katrina buried that.

#3. Mia's Earthsharing Challange Business Card - First off I'm always impressed when someone actually trusts me enough to show me something they care about, so I was always going to check it out. But being so simply and innocently drawn into the Economics of Henry George turned a lot of my thinking upside down and pulled the wool from my eyes so I felt as if I could see having been blind, by pure reason. It also opened a big door into new social circles and opportunites through my further involvement with progress Australia.
I also for some reason have clear glass sliding doors on my bedroom I have to cover with posters for privacy as my room front's onto the living room. the card now fills up a nice gap betwixt posters.

#4. De La Soul - I can't really say how I was given this whether it was Amrish burning cd's for me physically or Chris playing it in his car in the rat where I heard it for the first time. But like that I switched from alternative rock to Hip Hop. I rarely listen to FNM these days, a band that takes 75 spots of the 100 frequently played list on my ipod. That's a big change for me.

#5. A Guide to Grief - This was given to me by my councillour last year, which got me to start volunteering which in turn introduced me to Yusuke, who in turn inspired me to cut my hair, which in turn inspired me to change more or less everything else in my stagnant predictable image.

#7. It'll be Morning - my first ever zine purchase, made me realise what was lacking in my life. Creative outlet. Now I'm an artiste again. Sorta.

You know obviously this list aint complete but fucking never look a gift horse in the mouth, you never know when some small token will completely change your outlook on something. Infact you should hope for it, becuase life certainly doesn't belong to the predictable.

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