Thursday, July 26, 2012


Having more or less finished invites, I mean now and then people will pop into my head that make me go 'oh gee golly gosh, how could I have forgotten to invite...' and then I'll go try make ammends. Anyway, this morning I slept in till 10, which has been an increasingly worrying trend. For most of the past ten years a big sleep in has been '8.30' but I guess it indicates that I am tired.

I was supposed to get up and in line with my routine cycle over to Carlton, do two laps of Princes Park, cycle home via the Yarra Trail, shower and then be here at this time to write this shit. Instead I just got up, showered, checked my email and my blog aggregator (google reader, it's the best thing google ever did) and now I'm here.

Having 'eaten desserts' first, I'm feeling pretty pumped pretty excited about my forthcoming exhibition, but I'm forcing myself to not start the finished pieces and compositions until August. Instead I'm going to spend the next couple of days doing studies, drawing, practicing drawing because past experience tells me that when I come off studies the drawings just flow.

So that's what I'm forcing myself to do. I have an even 240 studies to try and knockover before my sisters birthday Aug 1st.

Starting... right after I get something to eat.

By the way I've lost almost 5 kgs in a week. Sleeping in felt more like voluntary paralysis, maybe it's just my bodies way of telling me to slow the fuck down.

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