Wednesday, October 06, 2010

The Big Assumptions

Why am I in school?

I feel my school assumes I want a job. I can't look after myself and thus I need somebody to emply me. How best to disguise myself as something they actually want. How to standardise me so they can make an objective decision on who to take. How to numerise my knowledge so it can be measured with a tape measure. The longer my knowledge the more employable. That's the assumption.

They assumed wrong. I want an education first, a job second. I only want a job for its education purposed. I want a job I can learn from, otherwise if I'm not learning I'm happy enough to shake a cup on the street.

Why did I go to high-school?

I feel my high-school assumed I wanted to get into university. They assumed correct, but I wanted to go to uni to have fun. But reflecting on it, this was the general assumption, almost every interaction a student had with my school held the university objective in mind. Thinking back there were a lot of students that this was entirely inappropriate for. Possibly me.

Why do we go to primary school?

I honestly don't fucking know. To learn to read and write? maybe. there's a lot of students that don't even by the end of year 12. I suspect we go to survive. School is in large parts day care. Our parents need to be back out earning money, we need somebody to take care of us. We go to school once we have reached an age where our communication skills enable one person to manage 30 kids or so.
Primary school was fun though. I wish University was more like Primary school. More finger painting.

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