Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Notch 2: The Real Gayle King

Okay, maybe I'm prematurely ejaculating here, but I'm bumping myself up to notch 2 because I think it significant that I've managed to be part of a creative group, and that we as a group have managed to produce something.
Sure it might have been worth 2 notches if we had already formed Circue Du Soleil or some shit, but I think people can underestimate how much harder it is to do something as a team as compared to an individual.
It's much easier to run a 400m race than a 4 x 100m relay, a relay should be faster than one person running its true, but it isn't easier to be faster, its much harder, you got the baton pass, the change over, the boxes and various ways you can be disqualified, the runner order, the start etc to suddenly contend with when you switch from solo to relay.
And our group is really cohesive, for example it only took us 3 months to pick a name for ourselves, we have churned out a zine in about 2 months and the quality I feel it safe to say presentation, content wise, layout wise, price wise etc is all greater than the sum of its parts.
We aren't formally launching the group yet, until we've built up a greater body I suppose, but still I feel the hard parts done, the forming and storming and norming phases. The peeps all know eachother fairly well now, it seems everyone in the group can run a meeting, we know what eachother are capable of and the enthusiasm levels seem high.
It's good, it's a special thing, it's a creation. I'm proud of it, so I'm putting myself up to notch 2. Just 98 more to go.

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