Sunday, April 05, 2009

My Brand New Game

Betwixt Claire and Misaki, I tried my own form of cognitive therapy that consisted of imaginating anyone I spotted in an intimate and loving context.

But now that I've been reading 'Social Intelligence' by Daniel Goleman, I'm bored of that game and have come up with a new one. Apparantly, and bare with me here... children and animals are naturally drawn to people who will tickle them. The 'tickle zone' is the patch of skin behind the neck and extending down under the armpits and around the belly under the rib cage.

Anyway kids, particularly are sensitive - hence you only need to make a tickling gesture at* them and say 'coochi coochi coo' and they fall down ... belly laughing.

Apparantly this belly laugh is the 'primal joy' distinct from all other smiles, laughs n shit. So anyway, I know that I've always been pretty unaproachable the way I'm always liking my knife on the train while fiddling with my pocket change, so I'm experimenting with imagining tickling people.

It is frankly, just plain ridiculous. And I'm conscious of the fact that my facial expression changes while I think about doing it. Some might call it bemused, others maybe just a smile. It is honestly hard not to laugh myself when thinking about tickling the girl next to me on the train. Or worse the collingwood supporter next to me on the train.

Fuck it I'm sexual enough, but not approachable enough.

*for those worried that I may have embarked on being a peadophile, let me reassure you I don't even do this to children.

inexplicable ad.

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