Sunday, March 01, 2009

Stylistic Aspirations: Skan Srisuwan Fiduciose

Whilst it is easy to say 'the internet has opened up many exciting possibilities for artists' it's hard to point at an actual example. It seems we are all still obsessed with the renaissance masters -> pop art. Whilst living in the 'post art' era.
Advertisers are treated like artists. Along with graphic designers, marketers and architects.
It's also true to say the reverse. Indeed, it seems that art has also been living the capitalist dream. Abstract painting could be described as 'office wall paper' a reflection of the nature of business today, communicate no information that could make you in anyway liable for anything. No opinions, no meaning. Hollow missives and what not.

But alas I rant on, on cgtalk which I check about as often as which is to say, more than email, gmail or facebook combined, I stumbled across an artist who's popularity amongst the forums at first confused me, and then proceeded to blow me away.

I don't know his name as such, or more acurately, what his real name is and what is an avatar name on the forums, so I'll simply refer to him as fiduciose, which is the name of his website.

First some examples of his work. Most of which can be found on his website and will only use the ones he has already shared on cgtalk and hope he doesn't mind. If he does, I'll pull them down.

link via cgtalk

I have to say that as a lover of straight lines and geometry in composition, this is truly exciting. The cutaway element too, of solid, inanimate objects falling, flowing away. For me the business in his imagery and preservation of form and more particularly motion makes his compositions something I really want to sink my teeth into moving forward probably more than any other artist.

Even better for me was the WIP thread of the latest cgtalk challange.

The revealing element was the composition drawing:
link via cgtalk.

How someone can build up form from these abstract lines was beyond me. I certainly can't think like that. I always start with a finished image in my head, then block out the geometry first, then draw up the detail. The overall result I'm afraid is often static. Compared to his final image:

link via cgtalk

Which to me is probably his most inspiring work. I particularly like the way that it's a picture I can look at for 45 straight minutes and still not know what I'm looking for. Yet the composition still sends my eyes around I suspect in the way the artist always intended them to study the picture.

They almost put Inoue Takehiko's brilliant work in Vagabond to shame. I still completely feel the sensation of a lance shattering an opponent, even though I can't percieve it in the painting anywhere.

That to me is the holy grail of the static image.

Furthermore, even his 'master and servant' offering seems to use a different approach, it is not lost to me the significance of building curves out of straight lines, streams out of jigsaw puzzle pieces.

I don't think I'd ever try either approach directly, I lack the imagination to arrange so many moving parts into one picture, and the technique to build up so many layers in either photoshop or more intimidatingly, on a page, but I am inspired to perhaps use some 3d software to compose intersecting plane compositions that I can then ink looser forms on top of.

So really it might be cheaters imitation, but I do keep in mind with all inspiration that the world doesn't need more imitation to advance, it needs people to find their own style and offer it up to the world. So any artists I try to take away from, it's more I set out for their end destination but take my own path.

The other half is that in the spirit of supporting new emerging artists, I promise as soon as I have both the money and subject matter, Skan Srisuwan would be an artist I would definitely commission. I just hope he manages to stay in a reachable price range while I get there.

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