Wednesday, July 19, 2006

You can always make an enemy

My boss, Roberto pointed out to me I can always make an enemy, that I'd never know when I'd get a manager that doesn't like long hair and where's wally socks.
I solicited some nightmare housemate stories and heard some other's the past couple of days and the scripts I'm writing at the moment touch on a lot of pretty unpleasant experiences yet they do represent experiences I'm glad I had and cherish.
Yet it can be fucking hell. I was lucky to move to a college I'd commend to anyone being International House, the International experience if anything taught me that white's the best and the UN are never going to work out but don't be disheartened. College's at least have support staff and bodies that can protect you. Your private space is secure and you can get help at 2.00 am any night of the week.
In my first year I was living it up, completely insulated from the real world in IH. I had a ground floor room in Scheps wing, one of the ugliest buildings ever created by the hands of man and my mates and girlfriend could throw stones at my window with ease when they wanted me to open the place up for them. I had nice thick brick walls and a cupboard I could hide in to scare my girlfriend who would yell like a man.
Morley once got me to go into his room which had identical layout yet had no room for anything and a tv set sitting in a drawer. The trapazoid rooms were versatile you could say that.
I signed my name TΩ in the cupboard with an '02 next to it, so I got the full experience.
My girlfriend was a different story, I met her in Japan where she was on exchange from Austrlia, she had dated this Japanese guy in her year 12 before coming to Melbourne, in such a rush was she to find a house she managed to move in with her ex boyfriend and a bullemic girl. On top of this she stuffed up her uni preferences and picked a degree she actually had to study for.
The ex took an instant dislike to me. I wasn't really given any warning. I thought he was a cool guy. I probably got off on the wrong foot by killing the small talk with 'I've never fucking heard of Shizuoka' anyway this guy had done some clever shit like stab his tattoo when she'd dumped him and taken to drinking.
Bogan as I called her (I love bogans) decided it was best not to tell me he had aquired the aluminium bar from a shopping trolley handle which he had said was 'for tom'
In the meantime I had gotten sick of having to hide whenever Yoshi was around and tiptoe around Yoshi and generally act like I was scared of Yoshi.
So I forced bogan into the position of having to make Yoshi deal with the fact that I was dating his ex now.
Yoshi decided to get drunk and bring a bunch of friends around and play loud music till 1am.
When she asked him to turn the music down, Yoshi took his pole and smashed up his own stereo. then he chased his friends out into the night and I spent the night barricading the door with bogan until morning came.
They had to evict Yoshi who cleaned himself up a fair bit got a new girlfriend and as far as I know was a decent guy, I always thought he was pretty cool.
Bogan dumped me about two to three months down the track. I was mortally devestated but learnt (I think) that it takes two to tango and never really saw her again.
In the end though having a dickhead housemate is still a destructive relationship and the reality of rent can force people together long past boiling point. If I'd known Yoshi was planning to kill me I probably wouldn't have pressed the issue, but evicting him was easy and they got a replacement housemate pretty quickly too. Even though Yoshi lived in a closet more or less.
I don't think rent is the trap though in the end picking housemates is the same as picking sexual partners, friends and employees, there's only so much you can know about a person and you do require the good old double coincidence of wants. People still stuff up all said decisions more often than not, there's even ones you have to see coming like the good old Palestinian and Zionist match. Or the Rugby player and anyone match. Or the creepy guy at the workplace, how the fuck do they get past the interview?

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