Thursday, July 05, 2007

Oh Me of Little Faith

I really can't write women well, and I suspect Bryce has his own pretty interesting views on how women talk/think etc. And as such we probably need some kind of woman to brush up our scripts so as not to make a cringe fest for women, similar to: sex and the city - where a guy had different deoderant sticks under the basis that they were 'different smells' that would never fucking happen, or rarely fucking happen at least because for the most part 'scents' are one of 2 options 'good' or 'bad'.
But I digress, I rode home in the fucking rain, which is to say it doesn't really piss me off that much its quite beautiful, but fucking wet and this took place last night. And I had assumed that Bryce's plans to stage a reading of our scripts had fallen over like Boris Yeltzin (Snap).
But I was wrong in my assumption, and it's great to be crammed onto the same couch as talent. Furthermore as I desperately tried to ride as quickly as possible to Bryce's digs it was like the Super Sentience Zoltar wanted us to make this thing happen as I cruised through green light after green light and effortlessly flew uphill on my rickety bicycle.
I got to say I'm getting pretty excited about the collaboration, which is a problem, Bryce and I pick up these scripts so infrequently now that we laugh too much at our own work, and decide we actually like the scenes we are trying to remove.
Oh well, love to you all.


Anonymous said...

tom, the show is going to happen. i know these things. it was a great night. jc

ohminous_t said...

what an awesome comment, thanks...jesus?