Saturday, September 02, 2006

I hate Malaysians

Another late night, another catch up and tossing the coin between Beijing and East Timor to go to next year and one country that will never be a contender is Malaysia. I was sitting in Omar & Harvards kitchen while they were incisting I should know Vincent from IH without actually describing him apart from being a Malaysian guy.
Omar was pissed at me because COMMON had lured us into another shitty function where people corner the palestinian and treat my athiest views with confusion and open hostility. Omar being such a nice guy though feels bad breaking a commitment.
But fortunately we had the perfect allibi, Harvard wanted to go to Vincent's party but didn't want to go alone because Bob the adulterer was there.
I did my impression of Malaysians 'What you Doingggg lah? In malaysia we eat food at night, we pour the tea from up here lah down into cup lah.' this was what I expectd from the party but not what I really expected because in my head I know Malaysians aren't really dumb animals, they can be pretty cool, like Harvard and Steven but the group dynamic is hard to take, I'll be the first to admit at IH we had big problems with the Australian population too but never so blatent as pulling up a 12th chair to a table of 8 to aviod sitting with Australians.
Anyway I wanted to go to the party so I could call Bob adulterer, since he's a christian fuck. So Omar, Harvard and I headed on down to their buildings function room (wtf). There was a big malaysian flag and Omar and I were I think the only non malaysians which I already know is a lie because Nathan is ABC and and I think from memory there could have been some Singaporeans there.
We ate and it is always cool to meet people who have forgotten my name, it happens amazingly not often to me so I enjoy the novelty.
I recognised Vincent straight away and you know Malaysian parties are something else. The catering is all over the place from Roast lamb to pizza to curry to noodley shit in a bowl. The music is terrible. The women are hot but as a whitey you know there's no chance so there's no point talking to them, ironically I probably earn more than everyone in the room and still not rich enough. but it was cool to actually be the only white dude at the party and I never plucked up the balls to call Bob adulterer or ask about his sex life like I didn't know.
I guess in the end is I didn't care enough but I was left pondering something:
How the fuck do Malaysians resolve personal differences? I just cant see Harvard or Bob playing the manly art of biff they're too impotent and it seems all they can do is pretend that eachother don't exist.
Don't get me wrong I am highly cowardly and will do anything to avoid a confrontation but if cornered I wuld always try to be at least inappropriatly funny about it.
Anyway I had a good time it was a pretty interesting shindig. And once you understand that Malaysian segregation isn't personal, they don't mean to do it it's simply a complete fear of the unknown and unlike Aussie's travelling abroad the motivation is different, Malay's are here to study not experience a new culture due to a racist and inefficient university entrance policy back home. So I got on really well.
But back to me, I'll get all calculassy here and write a post within a post regarding my name and attitude towards it:

{About a year ago I dropped the name I had adopted which is 'tohm' I just stopped using it but I recently put it back into my resume, I have been writing out my zene which I am really excited about but finding myself for the first time ever having to rewrite and edit shit and proof read which I have never ever bothered with before. In it I talk about choosing a name for myself and that's what tohm was, I started writing my name as tΩ in vce to sign my art. I had adopted Ω from physics to be read as ohm but people turned out to be more educated than me and read it as omega my home room teacher called me an artistic wanker when she had to sign off that I'd been using my student diary. So eventually I spelt my name out as I had intended it to be spelt with a superflous 'h' and tohm became my name from then on. I think I even put it on a couple of tax returns which was dumb.
Anyway my intention was to change my name to tohm and drop my last name completely allowing to eventually be called 'the artist formally known as tohm' or tafkat for short but I really liked tohm because, nicknames have never ever ever managed to stick for more than 20 minutes and I always have just been tom so tohm was a good play on that aspect since in effect it wasn't a name change at all. But by the same token you are given a name when you are born and then you become someone, so whilst my actual name tom is pretty meaningless to me, tohm was a name I had become.
The reason I never got around to changing my name legally was A) laziness and 2) whenever I mentioned my plans to Janice she would look at me with these sad puppy dog eyes.
But I have started using it again and it'll probably take another 2 years before people start writing my name tohm again but whatever what the fuck. Once my zine is out you hopefully will get to appreciate the whole craziness of it all}

So you can imagine my excitement when people have never heard my name or forgotten it because I can just slot a name in there. And to these Malay aquantences I had not seen for years all they know me as is tohm. Except i hate to pronounce the superflous 'h' in tohm (it is actually pronounced tom) but whatever a man can dream and at the end of the day they are only Malaysian international students just another resource that can dry up on Australia leaving us an economic cripple*.

*Saw Peter Costello this morning talking about NSW and VIC being on the verge of a recession! Wow! And right after a property boom. When will you fuckers learn**

**I actually don't want to be a fecetious 'I told you so' land tax reformist since most of us will never actually own property or will be ruined by a market correction shortly but seriously how many times do you have to go through a boom bust cycle before you question why the cycle is necessary?

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