Sunday, May 09, 2010


Yo, I'm going to stop posting here for a while. I have things to write about, that I want to write about but alas the past few weeks have seen my drawing come to a standstill. The main culprit being school assessment. It's really pissing me off because it isn't hard, just coming in what I view as redundant quantities. I thought I'd jumped over the mid semester hurdle but I have round two coming in.

Now the blog has to be sacrificed, being a financial advisor I feel it would be hypocritical of me to fail classes I can easily pass, and writing posts take A) time and is B) easy, so in my free time I've been doing this instead of picking up a pencil.

So until calmer seas, adios amigos. If you are bored just read my previous post in installments, its really fucking long.

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