Saturday, January 30, 2010

Obama delivers on campaign promise.

That's right 'Hope' that's all he offered and really, we all got it. Not just USA citizens but the world over. Even 'Change we can believe in' was lived up to.

So for anyone dissapointed by Obama's efforts thus far, you need to look at yourself.

You are the one that voted for 'Hope' not 'Deliverance' and you are the one that voted for 'Change we can believe in' not 'Change that will actually take place'.

I for the record never really got Obama mania. He always struck me as dull but dignified. Really from my comfortable seat on earth, dignity in a 'world leader' is less desirable than someone undignified like Bush. Dignified is boring, it reminds me of why I was initially pleased that Bush edged out Al Gore thanks to some legal trickery.

Since then Al Gore got undignified, appearing in Futurama and doing a power point presentation and I've since liked him more. I've never really liked Obama though.

But I too consumed my fill of hope, I looked at his campaign funding though and thought 'Of all the presidential candidates he has the most indipendant funding from small time citizens yet, maybe that will give him more licence to tell his corporate sponsors to go fuck themselves.' Turns out no.

But I will continue to hope, I just hope now people will realise that the Presidents not in charge. Maybe even look at where they have their money invested, because they could be financing the very companies that are frustrating them.

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