Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Getting of Wisdom Teeth

In my first year of college I had two of my wisdom teeth removed from my lower mouth. They were wrapped around my nerve endings and needed to be removed before I lost sensation in my lower lip and tongue.

All went well, but my upper wisdom teeth were not close to developed yet and so were merrily passed over.

Now I have my upper wisdom teeth. They started punching through my gum tissue before I went away, half exposed from the gum.

Now they are out, and causing some discomfort as they fuck with my biting pattern. And I wonder, if ever there was one uncontestible refutation of intelligent design it is wisdom teeth.

Why are they there? And furthermore why do the develop in your mid-twenties? That's the killer, what the fuck are you supposed to start eating in mid-twenties that you would need new teeth for?

All I can come up with possibly is entering the corporate world they are somehow 'cock-sucking' related?

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