Sunday, March 23, 2008

"You may feel left behind but to me I'm gone so you really are where it is all at, being alive and whatnot so I guess if anyone's left behind it would me, who can't even react to real time audiance sledging." - tohm eulogy by proxy.

There is one benefit to blogging that is so self evident it nearly surprises me it isn't mentioned more - meme-bank. If I were to die some time after uploading this post (which lets face it is going to happen) and you also were to die some time after I upload this entry, I would live on (provided you aren't Harvard) and you, you would fade away forgotten or warped in peoples false impression of you.
And I guess some kind of scientition could also create a complex computer program that calculated the evolution of my memes as they interact with the outside world and produce daily blog updates long after I am gone, here's an example of what the most advanced computers may produce:

'God isn't real, I'm really frustrated about that! you're stupid for believing in him. Why aren't there any bands like Faith No More anymore and I enjoy bike riding' -tohm3000 blogomatic post

But in all seriousness, on a day like Easter where Jesus rose up from the dead and then dissappeared again to not much effect some days later, I mean its not like his rising from the dead produced 'some of his best work' infact the big difference between someone like Jesus and me is that I write stuff down on a blog, there's no need for whole industries of men to wear funny costumes and explain to people what I really meant when I said "there be biscuits in them hills" and whatnot.
Yes my dear bereaved Janice could sit down and read all 481 blog posts and get a fair idea of where I was at in my head.
Ann Frank wishes she had a blog, she probably also wishes the Holocaust never happened or some kind of silent treadmill or something.
Anyway that's all I really have to say, I have documented not just my life but my mind here, for future posterity. I will laugh when they say in the future 'what do we know about 21st century man?' and they will say 'well we have some excellently preserved blog posts that seem to indicate that Faith No More was the best music ever!
and so fourth. And now comforted you could even read my eulogy by proxy at my own funeral. Infact you could in this 'flat world' age pay a bunch of Indian MBA's jackshit to sit up 24 hours and read all my blog posts then fax you a eulogy that is true to 'what tohm would have wanted' so anyway here's to the future while we you and I are both still alive.

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