Tuesday, May 01, 2007

On cyclists

If a cyclest is irresponsible and unpredictable on the roads they get killed.

If a driver of an automobile is irresponsible and unpredictable on the roads cyclists get killed.

A grievous offense with a car can result in you not only killing a cyclist but killing yourself. But who knows if you hold your nerve the bike goes under, the corpse bounces off the bonnet, a lesson is learned? or is it.
I think if people think execution helps deter crime and that guns can deter home invasion and muggings - maybe fitting all cyclists with C4 could make our roads safer.
I mean if anything having exploding bycyclists is really an exercise in evening up the exchange. You clip a cyclist they blow up you also die in your big car.
Just like guns are the great equaliser "who needs courage when you have a gun" so too could be exploding bicyclists.
I put this revolutionary idea to my housemate...

...i just thought about dinner and it's far too early in the day, now I feel agonisingly hungry...

...and my housemate suggested that people would just try and wing cyclists and drive away causing an amusing explosion at no personal cost.
That's true except I'm thinking more like the cold wars M.A.D. sort of explosive - Mutually Assured Destruction. The explosives would be big enough to vaporise a family sedan or porsche 4x4.
Furthermore it would also make cyclists less tempted to run that red light. To cut across 3 lanes and maybe even look behind themselves once in a while.

And I wonder why nobody takes anything I say seriously? A serious post on this face-off between self powered and internal combustion powered later.

see you douchebags.

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