Thursday, September 27, 2012


I went to a chip music gig last night, something about chip music speaks to me. Also my friend Kikuyu was playing who technically isn't chip music, but certainly electronic. I don't know what it is, certain things get into your head and just pluck the neurons as if they are high tensile strings. I think it's shit from way deep in my childhood memories, like the closing credits of Turricane and stuff, chip music sends me to a safe place.

Doing one of the most popular pieces from the Black Exhibition 'Physics is Great' I listened to Gary Numan's pleasure principle all day, and it was one of those special moments. It's strange but just stringing together a bunch of electronic beeps can just pierce through all your conscious noise and create moments of great peace and stillness.

Case in point: there's a refrain at like 4:19 of celloesque music that is really quite special.

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