Monday, November 12, 2007

You Need A Horse to Ride

I now feel that I did indeed need to quit my old job. This belive it or not was not an easy decision for me. I mean there were a whole lot of reasons, not the least of which was simply I have the opportunity to do so now.
But in a very 'Good to Great' sense, I looked around and thought, me becoming MD of this company is only a matter of time. And I mean 20 years or so, and not discounting the facts that external competition is going to intervene, but suffice to say I knew I could pursue that if I wanted to apply the discipline necessary. And ultimately I knew for me then, that goal was simply not big enough, and I mean not 'not big enough' in a financial or prestige sense, but simply that this was not virgin soil, it was tilled, it had strong foundations, good backing and career paths.
I needed to be thrown into a dogs breakfast, and carved out Michaelangelo's David from the redeemable things I found there.
And leaving Honda has finally turned my mind back to this organisational soup that is my dream, and I didn't realise it for weeks, but I looked up in the library one day (yes thats right, I am travelling around the world and visiting libraries) and whilst perchad on a seat too small for me reading 'Cookie King flies' a japanese childrens book. I realised that I was taking this really seriously. I was taking myself and my organisation seriously. Finally. I was thinking in a Drucker sense 'what does the organisation require of me?' and that i guess is key.
SO if there's anything I can share with you, a little late in the spring season (southern hemisphere of course) its this:

Everyone needs a horse to ride, the first horse you can ride is your company, ask yourself 'is this horse going anywhere' if yes, it may be the horse you want to ride.

After that your boss is your horse, and I mean your direct boss, ask yourself 'is this horse going anywhere?' and if yes, that might be the horse to pick.

But at the end of the day, probably your best horse to bet on is yourself ask yourself 'am I going anywhere' and if yes, make sure its somewhere good.

If not, bet on me Because I'm going for $4.70 at this stage which I think is a steal.

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